Artist Statement:
Exploring the world of art quilting has helped me define the best techniques to express my creativity. It’s especially exciting to incorporate fabrics that I’ve hand dyed, followed by adding various surface design applications. Creating my own fabric deepens my connection to the art making process. Layers created through value, texture and stitching add another dimension to the work.
My inspiration and the way I live my life are shaped by daily walks where ever they may be. My perceptions and inspiration change with the seasons. The process of creating a work of art in fibre is a very rich soulful experience and often reflects where I am in my life.
The nuances of the play of light, the lines and shapes of the flora and the colours bring a sense of beauty to my life. This awareness has helped me focus on the basics of design. Currently I’m having fun exploring line and the use of a common grid in my work as I move towards more abstract interpretations.